Monday, December 29, 2008

I've decided to start a blog as you may or my not already know

Hello Shiny Happy People,

In one of my classes this year we were suppose to create a web page so that we would have a place to post our artwork but time did not permit it, so I've decided to create a blog to post my films, photographs, paintings and any other crap that I'll create and claim as art.

Also, it's become more and more apparent that my interests are not shared by many people i know, so i will be devoting posts to rants on said interests, more for myself then for anyone reading this. Feel free not the read them as you will most likely will not care about them.

and now here is my film, "Damn The Illusion of Movement" (quality has to be compromised to post it on the internet)

(i'll think of a trademark send-off some other time)