Did you ever see the movie “Contact”? So they like spend a trillion dollars building this mile high space machine and Jake Busey blows it up. So now they’re all like, “Oh no! We can’t use the space machine!” But then this other guy’s like, “Hey, it just so happens I built another identical trillion dollar space machine, at my own expense, on the other side of the world.” And we’re supposed to believe no one noticed that? Well I stood up in the theater and I said, “NO!! YOU CAN’T GO INTO SPACE BECAUSE THE MACHINE ALREADY GOT BLOWN UP BY JAKE COCK-A-DOODLE BUSEY!!!”
-Tommy Wiseau
no, it's actually from a Family Guy in which Stewie Griffin as Kathy Bates in a parody of Misery uses Contact as an example of what bad storytelling is. I just wanted to post this because, once in a blue moon, Family Guy is able to knock one out of the park and deliver a perfect spot on parody. That is all.