Usually i post trailers, but seeing as how many trailer reveal to much information, i will start posting posters for movies i saw that i like and a short review.
<------ this film is probably the best film that Van Damme has ever been in (at least that i've seen) and gives so much credibility to him as an actor, (i know, i wouldn't believe me either) This may be the best action comedy i've ever seen, and i hate action comedy.
It takes a gimmicky premise, Jean Claude Van Damme plays himself, and uses it not just for a couple of inside jokes at his career, but instead constructs a deep, powerful and funny look at a has been action star trying to still survive in the industry way past his prime. A must see for action fans and all people interested in film*.
*i could have just said "film buffs" but i really hate that term for some reason.
that is all for now.